Monday, November 17, 2008

Hulu to Catch YouTube (Keep Dreaming)

NBC/Fox's HuLu to catch YouTube; YouTube is in danger of being upstaged commercially by a smaller upstart backed by NWS and NBC Universal (Hulu) as the video-sharing site struggles to make its massive global audience appeal to advertisers. Hulu's advertising revenues are growing more quickly, according to Screen Digest, a digital media research group. [Financial Times]

GOOG - YouTube's popularity fails to sway advertisers - Google is still falling short of its own ambitions in advertising sales. Analysts estimate that YouTube will generate $200m in worldwide revenues this year. FT.

GOOG – NBC/Fox's HuLu to catch YouTube; Hulu, a video site showing only professional TV shows and movies, is forecast to draw level with Google's YouTube in US advertising revenues next year. FT

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